

Clonic computer

The first server, and one of the systems from which more benfit I had.

The name comes from one of the characters of the catalan novel Cold Skin La pell freda. The name, in catalan, is an anagram of sirena (siren).

For a long time this was the unique and main server of Lady 3Jane, so it served almost everything:

  • Mail
  • DNS
  • Web

When my father needed to 'upgrade' (modernize) its accounting software from a x86 PC running DOS to a Windows 32bit solution, he got my previous personal system (a Pentium MMX 200MHz, Highscreen) and I adquired this on.

After many time being my development and hacking computer, I also used it to allow internet access through its ISDN line card (a fantastic EICON Riva card) which I learnt how to share the connection using my system as a Firewall/router with Linux NetFilter (iptables) and NATing. I really learnt a lot with this.

When I got the DSL line internet access at home, I started to use it as a server, the first Lady 3Jane server

Slowly it started to become obsoleted and not much upgradable. First it only saw 20Gb form a 40Gb IDE Hard Driver, luckly I solved this with a BIOS upgrade. Later I wanted to recylce some DIMMs to increase its memory but from 512Mb was only able to see 384Mb.

Architecture i686
CPU Pentium II 400MHz
Memory 384Mb
Storage 40Gb
OS Linux
  • lady/systems/aneris.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/10 21:52
  • by